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Channel Multiple Domains

October 11, 2023

We've taken a significant step forward in the development of our channels, allowing you to seamlessly connect various domains to a single channel item. This exciting enhancement enables you to include both the "www" and non-"www" versions of your domain within a single channel. The result? An exceptional user experience where your audience is never left in limbo while searching for your venue.

This innovation is all about ensuring that your visitors can easily access your online presence, regardless of their specific search preferences. By including both domain variations in one channel, you eliminate any potential confusion or frustration users might encounter when looking for your venue.

In practical terms, this means that whether someone types in "" or simply "," they will reliably find their way to your channel. It's a simple yet effective way to enhance user satisfaction, streamline their online journey, and ensure that your venue is always easily discoverable.

This development underscores our commitment to making your online presence as user-friendly and accessible as possible. We believe that these small but impactful improvements are the building blocks of a successful and satisfying digital experience for both you and your visitors.