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How To Make The Perfect Sporting Experience in Your Pub

While screening sports in pubs makes for an amazing environment, there are dozens of other features which make up the exciting atmosphere of watching a live match at your local.
May 23, 2023
How To Make The Perfect Sporting Experience in Your Pub

Sports in pubs is on the rise, with more and more fans heading to sports bars to watch the major games, it is crucial to create a lively experience that will encourage repeat business. We've listed the best ways you can create this buzzing atmosphere and reel in the customers for upcoming matches.

Top 5 Ways To Create The Perfect Sporting Experience

Decent TVs

A decent television can mean the difference between eyes glued to the screen and people barely paying attention. More eyes mean more food and drink sales for your pub!

Outdoor Screens

While we have such amazing weather, why not double your earnings and expand your audience? By installing outdoor screens in gardens, and front outdoor areas you are opening an opportunity for people who do not want to sit inside on a sunny day but DO want to watch the football and the pub - they will be on your doorstep!

Comfy Seats

When catering to your customers' needs, comfort is everything. You want to make everyone entering your pub as perfectly happy as they need to watch the match. A comfy seat can go a long way in terms of gathering repeat customers. Also, these are a great way to ensure you are catering to all people with health conditions and impairments who may be unable to stand for a whole sporting match.

Decent Beer

Recent research found that a good beer is a pivotal part of attending football, boxing etc. A lack of good beer could likely lead to a decrease in returning customers. You want to create an atmosphere that simply cannot be replicated in their home.

Brilliant AV

Okay, you have your good quality television and people are enjoying their drinks in their comfy seats. One more necessity to perfect this is brilliant audiovisual output. Naturally, you are likely to hear less over the enthusiastic roar of fans, however, there should be a steady output of audio.

Discounts and Offers

A great way to draw in more customers is to ensure you have multiple offers related to your sporting event. These could include 3 for 2 on beers or a free soft drink when you order food. Another great way to appeal to a younger audience is to have student discounts available where possible. This way it feels like people are enjoying all the fun of coming to the pub for a game at a reasonable price.

Good Company and Being with Your Mates

Being able to enjoy sport in pubs means customers can sit and enjoy with friends. Creating an enjoyable environment also means that big groups of friends are likely to come back and relive it all again!


Now you have the basis down for creating an unmatched sporting experience for you customers, read all about the most popular sports to show in your venue on our 'Sports In Pubs' blog.

Be sure to keep an eye out for our Sport in Pubs campaign across social media under the tag #MoreSportsInPubs

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