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Stonegate Pub Partners

A large-scale directory website listing pubs available for tenancy across the UK.

Both the website and publican channel have had rave reviews from the Ops Team and Recruitment Team and that is squarely down to the magic that you have created. Great to be working with you.
Matt Venables
Business Development Manager


Before using our platform, the client faced significant challenges that hindered their overall efficiency and marketing efforts. They had to depend on various third-party applications to list pubs available for tenancy, which not only came at a considerable cost but also created a fragmented content management system. This reliance on external applications made it difficult to maintain consistency and streamline their operations. Moreover, their existing website was being phased out of being supported meant that they were unable to effectively market to potential publicans, limiting their reach and engagement with the target audience. The lack of a centralised platform further complicated their ability to showcase available properties and attract suitable tenants, ultimately affecting their business growth and scalability.


The solution involved leveraging 24social’s customer success team to design and build a new pub partners website aimed at attracting new publicans to manage pubs. By utilising the 24social platform, the client was able to manage all listing content and power the new website, ensuring a streamlined content management system. Additionally, the platform was used to create an internal social feed specifically for publicans, allowing them to engage with centrally created content that highlighted key offers and deals secured by the pub company for their benefit. This solution also established an ongoing support relationship focused on the continual improvement of both customer-facing and internal websites.


The customer success team worked in phases to deliver both the customer-facing pub partners website and the internal platform for publicans to interact with. They collaborated with many business stakeholders, reaching various milestones of design reviews and setting up preview links as the work progressed. The team also coordinated with Stonegate’s own testing team to ensure that quality criteria were met and made necessary changes accordingly. The websites were launched successfully without complications due to a seamless release workflow, and the team has been able to continually update the websites since then.


Stonegate experienced a notable increase in publican sign-ups inquiring about potential locations, and they also achieved significant cost savings by reducing their reliance on third-party listing tools. The internal engagement with their publicans has also increased with Stonegate making plans to continue their focus in developing the pub partners business.


24social is the leading content platform for hospitality. It enables pub companies to improve both internal operations and their overall customer experience. Our platform is ever-evolving and with regular feature updates, continues to deliver useful and practical solutions to our customers.

If you would like to discuss onboarding your business with 24social please use the link below to start a “no sales attached” conversation with us about your current state of play.