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For Pub and Bar Owners

Generate a website you can confidently manage and promote on yourself.

Creating and managing your own website shouldn't be hard yet so many places still have a poor (or no) website leading to less customers visiting your venue. With My Place, we've made a simple and familiar UI with inspiration from social platforms ensuring even basic to complex activity is easily achieved.

Book a Discovery Call

Get Setup in Minutes

Start without payment and see how you can personalise your website easily.

Connect Your Domain

Quickly connect your domain to get your site visible in Google and search listings.

Edit On-The-Go

Your always on your feet which is why we've made the editor work perfectly on mobile.

Food Menus

Intuitively add and update your food and drink menus to your website.

Promote Events

Shout about your unique events happening at your venue.

Photography First

Give customers an insight to your vibe with our photography led-designs.